Radiant Light Sessions
Nothing can dim the light that shines from within ~ Maya Angelou

If you are not sure where to start consider a Soul Contract Reading that will decode your soul contract birth chart which is your spiritual map for this incarnation. It reveals karmic lessons, desired achievements, and the gifts you were given. If you are just interested in Soul Contract information and not a present-time intuitive assessment consider one of the Soul Contract Reports. Healing Sessions are customized to your intentions and are available in a 4-session bundle to get you on the right path. If you are ready to make your vision tangible, healthier or profitable a Manifestation Coaching program is for you.

With a live Soul Contract Reading you will receive a present time assessment of where you are in your Soul Contract Chart as well as an analysis of your 7 chakra system. This is a great session to start with as it will help you identify energetic blocks and issues that are holding you back or causing imbalances. Your next steps will be clarified, if you choose to take them. If you are not ready for a live reading and want more information about your Soul Contract Chart consider a Soul Contract Report.

Healing is a journey to wholeness. We have the capacity to explore many realms while here in this incarnation. If you are currently experiencing discomfort of any kind your body is asking for healing. There are many sessions available to you ~ Divine Healing, Shock and Trauma Release, Soul Snap Back, Lightbody Integration, and other creative therapies customized to your intentions. See More...

The Manifestation Coaching package requires a 3 or 6 month commitment. This is for individuals that are ready to bring a vision into reality. Whether personal or business if you have the urge to "make it happen now" fill out the Contact Form for a complimentary chat. Support, intuitive guidance, customized sessions and unlimited emails are included. See More . . .